Things That Stunt Your Growth
In order to maximize your height potential, it is necessary that you only do the things that can help you to grow taller and at the same time avoiding those things that can stunt your growth. When you do the things that promote height increase but you don't avoid doing things that prevent you from growing taller then all your efforts are in vain and you will not be able to gain height effectively.
So what are the things that can stunt your height increase ?
Lack of Sleep
Lack of Sleep is probably the well-known thing that can stunt your growth. We mentioned previously that sleep is very important in order to grow taller because sleep is the time when the large amount of human growth hormone is being produced. So, Needless to say, Lack of sleep only means depriving your body of a large amount of the human growth hormone it produces. As a rule, eight hour of sleep is sufficient.
Cigarrete Smoking
Smoking is also one thing that can stunt your growth. Yes, mothers were right, smoking can really stunt your growth. In one study it found that boys age from 12 - 17 that smokes 10 cigarretes a day will end up about 1 to 2 inches shorter than the boys who don't smoke. Obviously, Cigarette smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood and increases the level of harmful substances such as carbon monoxide. If we don't have enough oxygen in our body then our health will be badly affected and so our body's growth. The nicotine also causes the blood vessel to narrow which causes body to not get adequate nutrient to grow. cigarette smoking can lead to lung cancer and also a major cause of coronary heart disease, which leads to heart attack.
Too Much Carbohydrate
Carbohydrate is important nutrient because it will give us lot of energy but eating too much carbohydrate has stunting effect also because it can raise the insulin levels in the body preventing the body from effectively using the human growth hormones. Asian countries used to eat more carbohydrate in their diet such as rice and corn. This is why Asian countries have such a short average height compare to other countries such as United States. Don't eat too much carbohydrate instead eat more protein foods if you want to grow taller.
Don't Drink Soda
Soda drinks such as coca cola are carbonated and the carbonation depletes calcium in your bones causing loss of bone density. We know the importance of calcium in the body's growth. You will not be able to grow taller if the soda steals calcium from your bone. Probably, drinking soda occasionally will not stunt your growth but drinking too often will. So, Don't use soft drinks as subtitute for water after eating your meal or drinking it whenever you're thirsty.
Stunt Growth Myth
Does Weight Lifting Stunt Growth in Height ?
It seems that this myth will never die. Weight lifting will not stunt your growth. A lot of teens are afraid to lift weight because they believe in this old myth that weight lifting can stunt growth. There is no scientific evidence to support such ideas. Actually weightlifting do the opposite and actually stimulate growth. Looking at the height of Arnold Schwarzenegger who stands at 6'1" and Lou Ferrigno (taller than anyone in his family) at 6'5", both started weight lifting in their early teens, it clearly shows that weight lifting does not stunt growth.
Does Drinking Coffee Stunt Growth ?
It has been said that caffeine can stunt your growth but I don't believe it. It has never been proven that coffee can stunt a person's height. I have a friend that heavily drinks coffee since birth, i mean since he was of very young age and still he was able to grow to 6'2" tall. I also have friends who don't drink coffee but their height are below average
( Adapted from )
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